The Swedish Cosmetics, Toiletries and Detergents Association (KoHF)

Welcome to in English. Here you find general information about our business, but also what you need to know if you plan to market products in Sweden. A special focus is given to the local regulations on language requirements, fees and notification, penalties and the national ban on certain micro plastics.

Organize in Sweden - contact KoHF

Being a member of the Swedish Cosmetics, Toiletries and Detergents Association (KoHF) gives you many advantages - contact KoHF to know more.

  • Olof Holmer, Managing Director

  • Peter Jansson, Cosmetic products

  • Anna Melvås, Detergents and Cleaning products

  • Madelaine Nordstrand, Swedish Beauty & Cosmetics Awards and Look Good Feel Better

General information on The Swedish Cosmetics, Toiletries and Detergents Association

The Swedish Cosmetics, Toiletries and Detergents Association is a trade association of companies that import, manufacture or market cosmetics (incl products for professional use) and detergents. 

The objectives of our association are:

  • To promote the cosmetics and detergents industries and broadening the knowledge of the industries and their products

  • To capture , channel and pursue issues of common interest to member companies versus government agencies, departments, groups of customers , consumers, other organizations etc

  • To be one step ahead concerning health and environmental issues

  • To promote international cooperation and harmonization of Swedish legislations with EU directives and regulations

KoHF Board represents companies in various business areas of KoHF. Our secretariat is responsible for contacts with the authorities and provides information and services to its members. KoHF's activities can be described as follows.

Contacts with government agencies, industry associations and trade

KoHF has regular contact with national authorities, such as the National Chemicals Agency (Kemikalieinspektionen), Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket), Work Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket) and Medical Products Agency (Läkemedelsverket, Cosmetics). Through membership in and via close contacts with international organizations experiences on legislation, product issues , etc are exchanged. Latest news on chemicals and raw materials are followed up by articles, reports and personal contacts.

Information and education

News on chemicals, legislation and other important industry issues are presented in the KoHF weekly newsletter.

KoHF provides both individual service to member companies and information and training through courses and seminars at our education portal KTF Utbildning (in Swedish).

International representation

KoHF is actively participating in the network at AISE (European Soap and Detergent Industry Association ) and Cosmetics Europe (The Personal Care Association) on issues related to European legislation , scientific and economy.

Industry collaboration

Within KoHF there are a number of working groups active in various areas:

  • Technical Committee

  • Cosmetic Section

  • Professional Hairdressers (Cosmetic) Products Section

  • Nordic Network


Look Good Feel Better

Look good ... feel better is a non-medical, brand-neutral program dedicated to improve the self-esteem and quality of life for women undergoing cancer treatment. It is a two hour session that teaches beauty techniques to help the women manage the appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment. About 100 sessions per year are presently held at 13 hospitals around Sweden.

Swedish Beauty Awards

The Swedish Beauty Awards is an annual recognition of the best beauty products on the Swedish market. All companies that are members of the Cosmetics and Hygiene Products Association of Sweden are invited to submit their products to compete in various categories. 

The awards are presented at a gala where Association members, media, industry representatives, influencers and many more attend. It is indeed the Oscars for Swedish beauty products.

The Swedish Beauty Awards have been organized every year since 2007, when it was started at the request of all the Association members. It is unique in being the only competition in Sweden where the products are submitted for consideration by the companies themselves. The products are evaluated by objectively selected true professionals in jury groups comprising of Association members as well as influencers, journalists and product specialists. 

 Winning any of the awards is considered a great honor and is highly desirable for marketing purposes.

Swedish cosmetics market - growing steadily

Need to know if you want to market cosmetic products in Sweden

General information

EU regulation 1223/2009 and other legislative acts on cosmetics also apply if you market products in Sweden, but notice the local requirements below:

Language requirements - Swedish regulation 2013:413 REFERRING to the cosmetics regulation 1223/2009

On the references to legislation, always look at the present status at the source

Labelling requirements such as precautionary measures (art. 19.1.d) and function of the product (art. 19.1.f) must be in Swedish (national regulation SFS 2013:413, amended by SFS 2014:241).

A few words of English or French origin, could though be regarded as established words when communicating with the Swedish consumer or end user. Please contact the National Competent Authority, the Medical Products Agency, for absolute certainty.

Precautionary measures that are mandatory to label according to other legislative acts, e.g. aerosols, must also be in Swedish.

National fees and notifications to Swedish competent AUTHORITIES

On references to legislation, always look at the present status at the source

If you import cosmetic products to Sweden from Third Country, or if responsible person is Swedish please acknowledge the following requirements.

  • Annual fees (linked to notifications at the CPNP) to the National Competent Authority on cosmetics, the Medical Products Agency (notice: registration (notification only at CPNP) is though open for all companies).

  • Notifying alcohol containing mixtures (cosmetics and others) at the Public Health Agency of Sweden if they meet the defnition according to SFS 2010:1622 (alcohol act): alcoholic preparations are mixtures containing more than 2.25% by volume of ethanol, not intended for drinking.


In Sweden cosmetic product control is split between the Medical Products Agency, which control responsible persons, and 290 different municipalities controlling retailers, pharmacies etc.


On references to legislation, always look at the present status at the source

Swedish regulation SFS 2014:240 amending SFS 2012:259 introduces penalties (MSA, a part of the Swedish Environment Act) on cosmetic products.

Cosmetic products in breach with SFS 2014:241 (language: Swedish, see above):

  • Responsible person: penalty (MSA) of 10 000 SEK per product

  • Distributors, others: penalty (MSA) of 5 000 SEK per product

  • INCI and Hand-in-book: INCI neither on pack or present on leaflet etc: penalty (MSA) of 2 000 SEK per product

The penalty can be imposed immediately, either by the National Competent Authority (responsible persons) or by any of the 290 municipalities control (local retailer, pharmacy etc). The penalty can be appealed. 

Examples on other relevant Swedish National Competent Authorities are KemI (the Swedish Chemicals Agency), MSB (the Swedish Civil Contingecies Agency), Arbetsmiljöverket (the Swedish Work Envirnoment Authority).

National Swedish ban on microplastics in rinse-off cosmetics

On references to legislation, always look at the present status at the source

From 1 July 2018 (placing on the market) and 1 January 2019 (making available), the following is prohibited:

  • plastic particles (REACH definition, article 3.5) that are added to these products

  • in the purpose of cleaning, scrubbing or polishing and

  • have a size less than five millimeters in any dimension,

  • and are insoluble in water.

Exempted are naturally occurring polymers. Furhter exemptions, and also exceptions are possible via the national competent authority on chemicals and chemical products, KemI.

Regulatory text in English (notice: draft text)

Marketing claims on cosmetics - EU regulation 655/2013 and guidance 

On references to legislation, always look at the present status at the source

The Swedish marketing law SFS 2008:486 regulates for example misleading and unfair marketing.

Since Sweden is a member of the European Union the dedicated EU legal act, the EU regulation 655/2013 on marketing claims on cosmetic products apply in Sweden. The European Commission Technical Document is likewise important as a reference in National Competent Authority market control.

An area of claims highlighted in the Technical Document is the so called "free from" claims. Several aspects of such claims are covered in the Technical Document.

Although misleading and unfair marketing are regulated in the Swedish marketing law already since before the time of the EU regulation and guidance, the Technical Document adds that "the new elements contained therein should be applicable as of 1 July 2019".