Mjällmedlet Zinc Pyrithione säkert

EU:s oberoende vetenskapliga organ, Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS), presenterar nu slutlig hållning (final opinion) om mjällmedlet Zinc Pyrithione.


“In line with the conditions laid out in Article 15(d) (i.e. ‘overall exposure from other sources’) of the Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 and taking into account the scientific data provided, the SCCS considers Zinc Pyrithione (ZPT) as safe (1) when used as an anti-dandruff in rinse-off hair products up to a maximum concentration of 1%”

Medlemsstaternas ansvariga myndigheter har nu att ta ställning till, och besluta om riskhantering och eventuell reviderad reglering av ämnet.

Läs SCCS final opinion (submission III) om Zinc Pyrithione

1) Hälsa


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